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 Five sided stone seal
Source: Hits:1565 Date:2023-11-07

Hanmo Dyes Fragrant Clouds

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

The Poems of Encouraging Learning "by Zhao Heng of Song Dynasty

Everlasting longing for each other, Red Branches, Tang Dynasty, Feng Yansi

A long-term guest outside of things, a cloud in the world

bottom structure

【 Collection Name 】: Five sided stone seal

【 Collection Age】 : Qing Dynasty

【 Collection size 】: length 3.7cm, width 3.7cm, height 3.7cm

This collection is an old collection from the Hai'an Museum, with a stone seal and intact appearance. The bottom is hollowed out, and it is speculated to be overprinted. The five sides of the seal body are engraved with different themes of seal script, and different seal cutting forms are adopted. The overall layout is clever and the form is unique. The seal script is ancient, simple and elegant, and the knife technique is meticulous and smooth, full of interest.

In ancient times, the forms of seals were diverse and diverse. The multi sided seal is like a Rubik's Cube in a seal, constantly changing and entertaining. From two sides to six sides, or even more, assembled on a single seal, it is a relatively rare form of seal compared to single sided seals with a single seal surface as a unit.

Generally, the five sided seal is engraved with text on the front and sides of the seal, with one side being a button that can be worn with ropes for wearing. It is commonly seen in private seals of the Qin Dynasty, and the seal text is mostly auspicious. The printed body carries a large amount of textual information, and in ancient times, the use of multiple seals could save space and stone materials for carrying. With the development, the application of printing mud makes it difficult to completely wipe the printing surface clean, and it is easy to dirty hands, books, and other objects. The stone is fragile and difficult to preserve, making it no longer practical. However, its once prosperous history also witnesses the development of Chinese seal cutting.

Poems engraved on the seal:

Persuasive Poetry

Zhao Heng, Song Dynasty

Rich families do not need to buy fertile fields, as there is a thousand bells of corn in books.

There is no need to build a high hall in order to settle down, there is a golden house in books.

When you go out, don't hate no one to follow you. There are many horses in the book like a cluster.

Don't hate unscrupulous matchmakers when you get married. In books, you have a beautiful face.

The man, eager to fulfill his lifelong aspirations, frequently reads the Six Classics to the window.

Everlasting longing for each other, red branches

Tang · Feng Yansi

Red is all over the branches, green is all over the branches, tired of sleeping late in the rain, and the shadows of the idle flowers are shifting.

Remembering the time of return, counting the time of return. Dreams may be frequent and rare, but when we meet and know each other.

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