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 Cha Shi Biao Shanshui Fan
Source: Hits:1587 Date:2023-10-27

【 Collection Name 】: Zhashi Biaoshan Fan

[Historical Era]: Qing Dynasty

[Historical Era]: Qing Dynasty

In the upper right corner of the screen, the title reads: "The mountains are quiet and dustless in the sun, and the pine flowers are covered in Ge scarves in the wind. It is a clear place in the world, and the valleys of the Wangchuan River are innocent. Mr. Weng, who ascended to the north in the summer of Xinhai, is the standard of a scholar. Calligraphy is a school of calligraphy that combines elegance and strength, with a sense of straightness.

The composition of the screen is mainly geometric, with straight and square lines representing the main mountain range, either steep or flat. An old man was walking along the mountainside with a stick. The distant peaks are rendered in light ink, depicting the trend of towering mountains and ridges, with a sense of extension. On the mountain peaks, ink dots are used to depict vegetation such as pine needles. The horizontal and vertical dots are combined, and the ink falls freely without losing its regularity, full of changes. Between the two mountains, a thatched hut sets off, with several pine trees behind and a few trees outlined on the mountaintop on the right adding vitality to the scene. The overall composition of the picture is appropriate, with alternating virtual and real elements, with clear priorities. The painting is done by Ni Yunlin and is close to the river. The brushstrokes are graceful and elegant, clean and sharp, giving a sense of desolation and desolation. The picture is painted on clay gold, with a faint ink color that complements gold, giving it a more lasting appeal.

Zha Shi Biao: The character is Er Zhan, named Mei Gou, also known as Lazy Biao or Scattered Person. Anhui Xiuning people. Famous calligrapher, collector, and poet in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Together with Sun Yi, Wang Zhirui, Hong Ren, and others, they are known as the "Four New Anxies". Zha Shibiao's paintings are characterized by "scattering", with a lazy and desolate atmosphere. This journey is based on Ni Yunlin's painting style, and is inspired by the brushwork of Mi Fu, Wu Zhen, and others. Calligraphy is directly imitated by Dong Qichang, which adds sharpness and liveliness to Dong's method.

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