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 Zhang Cheng's Discussion on the Painting Axis
Source: Hits:2076 Date:2023-09-22

【 Collection Name 】: Zhang Chenglun's Painting Scroll

[Historical Era]: Qing Dynasty

[Size]: 170 vertically and 94 horizontally

Explanation: In Wu Daozi's painting of characters, he uses a lamp to capture the shadow, moving backwards and forwards, seeing from the sidelines, horizontally sloping and flat, and multiplying and dividing each phase to obtain a natural number, with no difference in accuracy. Originating new ideas beyond the law, and expressing clever principles in bold and unrestrained ways, the so-called leeway for cutting edges becomes a trend with luck.

Payment: Zhang Cheng

Seal: Seal of Zhang Chengzhi (in white) Mirror like (in Zhu)

This content is selected from the postscript of the Northern Song Dynasty writer Su Shi's collection of Wu Daozi's paintings by Shi Quanshu in the eighth year of Yuanfeng (1085). There are some discrepancies in some of the content, and the original text of the postscript reads "Originating new ideas in the Dharma, sending wonderful principles beyond the bold and unrestrained". The postscript highly affirms Wu Daozi's skill in drawing characters. Wu Daozi was a famous painter of the Tang Dynasty. His brushstrokes were agile and varied, with multiple peaks and strokes, making him effortless. The characters' clothing folds were graceful and elegant, with a bold and unrestrained style. He was able to express new ideas in his techniques and depict nature realistically. Later generations referred to him as "Wu Dai Dangfeng" due to his superb skills and elegant painting style.

This calligraphy work combines the techniques of calligraphy and calligraphy. The pen is sharp, the ink is full, and the strokes are free and easy to use. There are occasional reflections, and there is a tendency towards the side. The style of the calligraphy is simple and straightforward, rich and elegant, with both form and spirit, and the combination of meaning and technique, demonstrating the depth of the skill.

Zhang Cheng: Yan Chu, born in Nuanquan, Gulang County, Gansu Province. Work instructions. In the eleventh year of the Guangxu reign, the imperial examination was held. In the fifteenth year of the Guangxu reign, he was awarded the title of Jinshi and was appointed as a scholar of the Hanlin Academy. Later, he served as the prefect of Jianning, Quanzhou, and other provinces in Fujian Province.

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