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 Pink longevity peach bowl
Source: Hits:479 Date:2024-02-16

【 Collection Name 】: Pink longevity peach bowl

[Historical Era]: Republic of China

【 Collection Size 】: caliber 11.7cm, height 5.5cm, bottom diameter 5.1cm

The mouth of the device is slightly open, with deep belly and circular feet. The body of the vessel is coated with white glaze, with two longevity peaches painted in red and branches and leaves painted in green. The design is stable and orderly, with appropriate shades of color, giving an overall fresh and natural feeling.

This bowl was customized for Xu Qiyuan, the centenary birthday star of Tai County, in the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932). The bowl has a seven character inscription with the inscription "Made in the 21st year of the Republic of China" and a body inscription with the inscription "In commemoration of the centenary of Mr. Xu, the fifth generation of the Qiyuan family in Xiewanghe Township". (Xie Wanghe Township now belongs to Hai'an Huji)

Xu Qiyuan was born on the sixth day of September in the twelfth year of the Qing Dynasty's Daoguang reign (1832). He had 21 sons, grandsons, Zeng, and Xuan living together for five generations. Throughout his life, he was hardworking, frugal, and philanthropic. On the sixth day of the ninth lunar month in the 21st year of the Republic of China, it was the centenary birthday of the elderly. More than ten enlightened gentry, including Wang Jixiang, Xie Shuxian, and Ding Yuejiang, jointly initiated a birthday celebration for Xu Lao. Zhang Yite, then the county magistrate of Tai County, presented items such as a dragon head cane, leather hood, and silk cotton robe as a commemoration.

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