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 Cultural Relics in Collection | Pink Grass Insect Jade Pot Spring Bottle
Source: Hits:800 Date:2024-01-12

【 Collection Name 】: Pink Grass Insect Jade Pot Spring Bottle

[Historical Era]: Qing Dynasty

[Size]: Height 13.2cm, caliber 4.2cm, bottom diameter 5.5cm

Skilled mouth, long neck, slightly inward necked, round belly, round feet, bottom red style, made in a kiln. First, use light ink thin lines to outline the outline of flowers, plants, and insects on the abdomen, and use colors such as red, yellow, blue, and green to represent objects. The lines of the orchid leaves are smooth, and the texture of the grass is textured with light ink and fine lines. The bottle body is adorned with butterflies. The overall color of the picture is fresh and elegant, with a slightly disorganized layout and a relatively concise design. It is a work of the late Qing Dynasty, but to some extent, it also reflects the characteristic of traditional flower and bird painting that emphasizes sketching from life and emphasizes "meaning"< Br/> The Jade Pot Spring Bottle is a typical traditional ceramic artifact in China, and its shape evolved from the water purification bottle in Tang Dynasty temples. It originated in the Song Dynasty and had a relatively slender shape, usually with a pursed mouth, long neck, and round belly. By the Yuan Dynasty, the abdomen became enlarged, with a downward center of gravity, and the round belly became prolapsed. The jade pot spring bottle, along with the plum bottle and the appreciation bottle, are collectively known as the "Three Treasures in the Bottle", and are the most representative shapes in the history of aesthetic development of artifacts.

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